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November 21, 2021

More than 1 million baked goods were sold in 2021 at GASENERGY filling stations

December is the time for the results. We calculated how many baked goods were sold at GASENERGY filling stations since the beginning of the year.

1 076 594 – this is the amount of fast food sold in 2021.

As well as with coffee – we found out in which cities there are more baking lovers.

The sixth place is taken by Kyzylorda with an indicator of 13 488.
The fifth place was taken by Taraz again. 50,080 units of fast food have been sold here since the beginning of the year.
The fourth place taken by Shymkent. Its sales amounted to 72,621 units.
Karaganda is in the third place – 266,079.
Nur-Sultan is the second one – 332341
And the first place is taken by Almaty – 341 979.

At our gas stations you will always find fresh baked goods that have literally just been taken out of the oven.
That’s the  perfect snack on the road.